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(Image information: personal photo of my typewriter August 2018) I always find writing an introduction about myself to be hard but here goes nothing! |
My name is Rachel Dominic. I'm a senior Professional Writing major at Gaylord College. I dream to be a full-time writer, a screenplay writer, and I want to work in the publishing industry.
I am from a small town in Northeastern Oklahoma, Sallisaw. In fact, it's so small I have to travel across the Oklahoma/Arkansas state border to the city of Fort Smith in order to go to the mall, the movie theater, or even to have a fine dining experience.
I think the coolest thing about my major is to be given the creative freedom to write anything. Last semester, I believe one of my bigger accomplishments was writing over 20,000 words for a novel I was working on for another course. I will be taking that course again next semester and hopefully be able to finish my first draft of the novel. Also, I am currently in a course where I must write 50,000 words by the end of this semester. I'm super excited and nervous.
I consume a plethora of books, movies, and television. I could spend days on this topic but I'll narrow it down to one for each category.
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(Image information: Light Inside the Library by Janko Ferlic) |
The premise is what if the chosen one died and the dark lord won. And if that doesn't automatically sell you on the book, the magic system where certain people can ingest metals and possess powers.
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(Image information: Bobbin on Heap of Film of Rocks by Dmitry Demidov) |
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(Image information: Casablanca(1942) movie poster directed by Michael Curtiz) |
Rick (Humphrey Bogart) owns a nightclub in Casablanca, Morocco. He bumps into former lover who burned him, Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman). She is in town with her husband Laszlo(Paul Henreid) who is a famously outspoken rebel that escaped a concentration camp. With the Germans coming into the unoccupied country, Ilsa is hopeful Rick will do the right thing and help them get out of the country.
I implore you to watch this movie. This film is a masterpiece that must be shared.
Click the trailer below.
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(Image information: Outlander(2014) show poster Series Creator: Ronald D. Moore) |
Oh my gosh, look at that typewriter, Rachel! That looks like the one I taught myself to type on back in 1973... my mom's old typewriter from when she had been a secretary back in the 1950s. My parents wouldn't get me a piano, so I learned how to type instead... and I still love to type! And congratulations on your 20K! I did NaNoWriMo last Fall (40K), and it was a life-changing experience for me. I had never written with that kind of intensity before... and now I can't stop, ha ha. I discovered my 100-word-story genre, and it is the writing genre I've always been looking for. You are so lucky to be in a major that helps you to explore different genres as you seek out your own best niches! And I just added Sanderson's Mistborn to my Audible list so I can give it a try when my credits renew next month: thank you for the recommendation (new to me!). My favorite series is Pullman's Dark Materials, and I am waiting breathlessly for the next volume; the last one ended on such a cliffhanger....... And yay for Gabaldon: she is such an inspiration to those of us (like me) who are coming into our lives as writers later than others. Now of course I am so curious what you will want to do for this class. You can use it as a totally low-key, stress-free space to explore a writing project and just see what happens! :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Rachel!
ReplyDeleteI am in love with your blog page! It is adorable and super aesthetically pleasing.
I am very impressed that you are in the process of writing an actual novel! Wow! Is it a fantasy novel, since that is your favorite genre?
I noticed you had a quote from Toy Story, and I just have to say that is one of my all-time favorite movies! I know that you enjoy classier movies, but just thought I'd share my appreciation for that quote!
Hi Rachel!
ReplyDeleteI wish I were as well read as you are with different mediums of storytelling! The majority of my enrollment is usually in STEM classes, so I rarely get the opportunity to take a class like this one with so much creative freedom. This class sounds like it's right up your alley, I'm excited to read some of your work this semester!
Hey Rachel!
ReplyDeleteI think that's so cool that you almost have a full draft of a novel already! Creative writing isn't my forte; it definitely sounds like it's yours, though. I haven't watched tons of black and white movies, but my favorite would have to be It's a Wonderful Life! I think what you said is true about those movies being more touching than many produced today. I wish you all the best in finishing your book!
Hi Rachel! Believe it or not, I actually know where Sallisaw is! I am from Tulsa, but in high school, my football team played you guys every year. It was always a good game and we took turns beating each other. Also, I love the aesthetic of your page. Your writing is very good and I'm sure you will be a great screenplay writer one day.
ReplyDeleteHi, Rachel!
ReplyDeleteFirst off - I really like your website so far with your design! It makes a good first impression with how nice everything is put together, even before I read your introduction! I am really glad you are invested in your major and how you get so involved with it. With how much you mention it, it is clear that you are very interested in it, and I can already tell you are going to be (if not, already!) an amazing writer. I will have to check out some of the shows and books that you have mentioned, as I have heard amazing things about them previously, too. It's really nice to meet you!
Hey Rachel! Really cool design on your blog. I like how you set it up. It seems like it fits you as well from what I have read :) that's incredible that you like to write so much. This class must be really easy for you! I bet writing could be a great outlet if you are well-practiced at it. Maybe I will check out your book recommendation :) I haven't seen that movie, but I love older movies so I bet I would like it. I hope you have a fantastic semester!
ReplyDeleteHi Rachel,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the design and layout of your blog! It seems like you fit perfectly into this class with how much you love reading and writing. This is my first class where my writing can be anything I want it to be, so I finally will get to experience your style of writing. I look forward to reading some of your work throughout the semester.
ReplyDeleteHey Rachel!
Honestly, I think it is so cool that your major is professional writing. I have always struggled with writing, regardless of the topic, I just never feel confident in my work. As a science major, I have written countless research papers, and I found that to be one of the easiest forms of writing for myself. The rubrics are usually specific so there's no questioning what you are supposed to include, and all your information comes from outside sources or your brain so there's not much room for creativity (which is probably any professional writers nightmare). Also, very very cool you have already began drafting up your book, 20,000 words?! I could never write that many! Anyways, I loved reading your introduction and I hope this semester goes well for you.
Hi Rachel! I think it is so cool that you love creative writing, as I am a science girl and creative writing is so not my thing. This class is a good challenge in that way - giving us the freedom to write without having to worry about grades, but still pushing you to become a better and more interesting writer. Congrats on your writing successes so far, and I wish you the best of luck going forward.
ReplyDeleteHi Rachel! I'm coming from your anthology story you wrote from "The Three Roses". It all makes sense now haha! You major in professional writing! When I read your story I thought about how professional and articulate it was. I loved the details and imagery you provided in your story. I guess since I'm a science major and everyone I know in college is a science major I forget other majors like writing exist. Also, fantasy is my favorite genre to read also. I finally read all of Harry Potter this past summer. I know I'm late to the game on that one. I watched all the movies when they came out, but never read the books. Wish I would've read them sooner! I also want to read Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit too. Same thing where I watched the movies when they came back, but never read the books. I added The Final Empire to my TBR list. I'm excited to read it soon!
ReplyDeleteHi Rachel! Wow, a professional writer! That makes a lot more sense after reading your retake on The Three Roses. When I read that, I thought I was reading a published story by a professional writer; therefore, I think this major and career fits you extremely well. I loved reading about your favorite movies, I'll have to give some of them a try! Your blog page looks super cute by the way, I just wanted to throw this last part in to let you know that I really love the layout and design theme you have! Anyways, it was nice meeting you!
ReplyDeleteHi Rachel!
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome that your major is professional writing. I am also in Gaylord, as a journalism major, and have found this class to be really fun! It's a fun way to keep doing what we love, but without all the pressure of writing serious pieces. I am looking forward to reading your stories this semester!
Hey Rachel, I wish you luck on your writing endeavors, especially if you have to write over 50k words this semester! I don't mind writing, and if it's something that I like I can write about it forever, but the thought of writing that many words hurts my heart. Nevertheless, I think it's cool that you're working on your own novel, and you definitely got to drop the link when it's published and you become super famous!
ReplyDeleteI think it's so cool to have a professional writing major in this class! I haven't read your stories yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
Also, that is the second time that someone has recommended Outlander to me in the last week. I guess that means it's time to give it a try! I actually haven't seen (or read) any of the things you recommended, so I might bookmark this page to return back.
Best of luck with the semester and your writing goals!
Hi Rachel, I think that is absolutely amazing that you are working on writing a novel. I have always thought about how cool it would be to write a book of some sorts but I'm not sure I would ever be able to do something like that. I do love reading so much though and will definietly have to check out the books you suggested. You should check out Book of the Month Club it is the coolest subscription I have ever had and I get a new book each month.
ReplyDeleteHey, Rachel,
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you enjoy writing and having the freedom to do so with your major! I am absolutely sure that you are enjoying this class, especially with the fact that it comes with so much freedom, too! I also love the design of your site - especially your introduction. I think it's very personable, and I am in love with the idea of including quotes throughout it; I want to do the same in my stories in the future! It was nice meeting you.
Hi Rachel!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the book/movie/tv show recs! I have heard so many people recommend Outlander, that I think I just have to find a way to sit down and watch it soon. I'm definitely much more of a comedy person than drama (dramas make me so sad so easily), but this one sounds like I'll really have to give it a try! Best of luck with all your assignments this semester, especially the 50,000 words one!
Hi Rachel!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE reading. I think it is so cool how books we have never even considered reading can be mentioned to us by someone and we fall in love with them. I did that with my best friend. She recommended a series that I had been avoiding reading since my parents did and it was the best decision. I love them and have now read them 3 times! Also, I am from Arkansas and I know how small those towns can be so I am glad Fort Smith is a short drive for you!
Hi Rachel!
ReplyDeleteI think I am most drawn to your love of black and white films. I do not believe I have ever watched a black and white film in my life, but after your enthusiasm I think I may just have to. I also am in awe that you have to write 50000 words! I cannot even fathom what that looks like or will be or how one can do it, but I am excited that you have that many words to channel your creativity into! Good luck with your semester and I am looking forward to reading more from you!
Hi Rachel,
ReplyDeleteI think that your blog is so good. I have been wanting to get back into reading now that I have finished the MCAT and I added the book you recommended to my list. I like how you describe your passion for reading and writing and how you consume media. I love Casablanca and I completely understand why it is your favorite.
Hi Rachel!
ReplyDeleteI think your blog is so cute and put together! I love how the comments are in cursive too! That adds such a fun touch! I am so drawn to your love for black and white films because I am a huge fan also! I love all the Audrey Hepburn films! I also love to read! My favorite books growing up were the Harry Potter series! It was so nice meeting you and I am excited to see what you write up!
Hi Rachel! I love the look of your blog and I think it is so fun! I also think it is very cool that your major is writing. Not a lot of people actually get to pursue their passions through their majors, nor do their majors support their passions, so I truly applaud you for choosing to do something you love. I'm going to be honest, I don't like Casablanca that much, but I think it may be time for me to re-watch it to give it a second chance! I hope your semester is going well!
ReplyDeleteHey Rachel!
ReplyDeleteHello from a fellow denizen of Mel's novel class this semester!
If you're looking for some book recommendations, I can give a few series that ought to fit your criteria!
My top recommendation would probably be the Guild Codex series by Annette Marie. It's got multiple series that all intertwine set in the same world, and it's done very well.
Another couple you might like are the Legion of Angels series by Ella Summers and Challenger's Call by Nathan Thompson (that one is my favorite series of all time)
Hi Rachel,
ReplyDeleteI love that you are a creative writing major! That is so interesting. I am a lit major, and I love the reading aspect, but not so much the writing. Even writing stories for this class is a bit of a stretch for my creativity, so I can't imagine writing anything as long as you have been! I also want to work in publishing, but as an editor, so maybe one day, I'll end up working on your manuscript!
Hi Rachel! It is really cool that you are a Professional Writing major! Wow, I could never imagine writing so much for class assignments. I feel like I would always end up badly procrastinating on it. I hope you are able to finish up your novel! If you release it publicly you should let us all know! I actually just finished the first Mistborn book! It was so cool! I can't wait to get my hands on the next one!
ReplyDeleteHi Rachel! It's really awesome that you love your major so much. Professional writing sounds like a lot of work though! I can't imaging having to write 50,000 words for one class. One of my friends is a professional writing major and she also really enjoys it. I think it's super cool that you've already written a novel - this class must be a piece of cake for you! I also enjoy reading and watching older movies. One of my favorite movies is Singing In The Rain. Also, I've never watched Outlander before but I've heard good things! One of my friends went to Scotland and got to go to some of the places featured in the show - she said it was super cool! I hope you enjoy the rest of this class. Good luck with everything!
ReplyDeleteHi Rachel! I just finished reading one of your stories and I am not surprised that you are majoring professional writing! It was so well written and I really liked it. I hope that you are doing well with your 50,000 words! I love that you talked about your favorite book, movie, and tv show. I have heard many great things from Casa Blanca, and I will make it a mission to watch it before the semester ends! Wishing you the best of luck this semester.
ReplyDeleteHi Rachel. What a lovely introduction post. All of your photos you provided are so beautiful. I love that you mentioned your favorite tv show, movie, and book. Those are all great choices. I am sure that you will be a professional writer. That is an incredible job and you would be amazing at it. I loved reading your post and getting to know you better. I wish you the best of luck on your finals and finishing up the semester.